An address given by the Christ messenger Zodiac through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes,
at the Zodiac Circle, 15 Nightingale Square, London, SW12, on Saturday, 13th March, 1926.
"O gracious Father, once more counting ourselves as Thy little children we meet together in love and sympathy, knowing that love and sympathy is flowing to us from the Bright Realms themselves. Give us tonight that spiritual sight which shall enable us to look forward and see in the future Thy Will done on earth, and joy and peace man's possession. Let it be our portion that in our different ways we may contribute to the coming of the Light of Revelation. Grant that our physical minds as well as our spiritual wills may be blended with Thine, so that we may not only work but, literally, create as we go...
"Father of all, we thank Thee for the many good gifts bestowed upon Thy children, for the power to discern spiritual things, and for the ability to pass on that power of discernment to others. Grant that within each one not only the sense of responsibility may rise up and conquer the physical mind with its sometime reluctance, but also that they may joy in being used as instruments by Thee...
"Teach us, Christ, as to the simple things, for as we progress so we see that the simplest are the grandest and the greatest; that the complexities of the physical mind, in a measure, block out the brightness and the beauty of Thy promises, and make barriers where no barriers exist... Therefore, Father of Love, keep us simple, keep us humble, and give us that resolution which indeed is of the Spirit itself... Amen...
"...My little children, tonight, once more, we are gathered together to work for God; and as I speak, it seems to me such a wonderful privilege that I, in spite of my many missed opportunities when in the body, that I should be allowed to do my part in this great work of revealing God to man - God as God is and not as man has imagined for so long.
"Cannot you see, my little ones, how this privilege of service is dependent, in a measure, on you who are bound by physical limitations, imprisoned - so it seems to you - by a very restricted outlook of those things which are real and permanent and of God Himself?
"I want you, tonight, to turn over in your minds the nature of the partnership between those in the Spirit and those on earth who are not only willing to listen to the Voice of the Spirit, but to put themselves at the disposal of the messengers of Christ - a partnership which no words can express.
"To your physical minds it appears as thus: That there are many, free from the body, who, out of their love of God, have gathered to your side; and, again, out of their wish to serve Christ are helping you, preparing your minds, giving just that extra power which allows you to step over the obstacles in your path and not stumble against them. And many, many children of the earth raise their voices in thankfulness for the gift of the helpers, of the guides, of the messengers of the Most High...
"Ah, my children, could you but see things as they are, you would know that this is but a tiny part of that same link which binds you to those in the Spirit, and binds those in the Spirit to you in turn. There are few of my children who, in looking over that within the heart and mind, take any credit to themselves for the companionship of those they love so well. Yes, that is true but, my little ones, I want to present this to you, and I want you to take it in as far as you can: The love professed by those who have laid the body aside is not only love for Christ, it is personal love for you as well.
"You can't believe it, you cannot make that glorious truth your own, but think you like this: Those who are free do not view you, or any of the children of the earth, as presented to your physical vision or even to the physical mind. They look back over the past and they see the journey of the spirit within, they see its passing failures, they see its struggles, its endeavours, and they see the sadnesses which have followed on some mistake which has been made.
"Oh, my children, this looking back alters the attitude so much. Cannot you imagine that love springs up in the heart and mind of those who see, tenderness of a kind impossible to be expressed in any language, compassion, aye, and admiration as well...
"So, my little ones, in thinking of those in the Spirit, you can, with certainty, count on their personal love - not on their criticism, not on their disappointment over that which seems to you so feeble a representation of what you hoped to rise to. There are so many anxious to work for God, there are countless millions who are working in a way which, to you, would seem gigantic; yet, such is the law of the Spirit that it is impossible to work among the children of the earth unless love, real love for them is there. It is not sufficient out of love for Christ to seek to save His children who have strayed. Many on earth make that mistake; they do this and that because it is a command of the Most High, but even in the act of salving some frail life, they condemn the weakness which makes it necessary that they should be rescued from themselves...
"Let this truth sink in, for some day each one will be obliged to realise it in a spiritual way... Condemnation is of man alone. Those who set out on their service for Christ with criticism in their minds and contempt for those among whom they work, these are not working in the Christ way, for the Christ way is love and understanding, whatever the weakness may represent...
"I speak with a sense of full responsibility as to the wide character of this statement, and I say that in time to come, those who scorned even while they sought to save, such as these have many lessons to learn...
"And then, dear children, I wish to talk to you tonight about several things which I will gather together and place under the heading of: 'The Second Best'...
" - 'The second best' - these words, in themselves, cause a pang, and compunction wrings the heart, while conscience points out that here and there, and, again, there and here, the second best only was attained while the desire within was to reach the very best itself...
"Children, in that phrase tragedy lies, so you think, but tonight I am going to show you God's side, and I think ere we part we shall have got a little nearer to understanding how the second best is the portion of us all.
"My children, in regard to this wonderful gift of communing direct with Christ and with those who wish to be used by Him, the question of second best bears an aspect which is both serious and sad. I want all those who read these words to, first of all, put aside the thought that I am adopting the role of a condemner, and to try and realise that, rather, I am seeking - because I have been so blessed by God - I am seeking to pass on a little of that blessing to others. And, secondly, to think to themselves thus: 'I too have been blessed by God; how then can I best pass on a little of that blessing to another?'
"My children, I have warned you in the past that the gifts of the Spirit represent a great responsibility; that effort of an unparalleled kind has to be put forth by those free from the body, in order to break down the many barriers which the thoughts of man have built up between the children who are bound and those who are free. I have explained, as we have gone along, that this gift is of all gifts the most sacred; that you are culling from the Holy Spirit Itself that which is necessary to allow us to come and speak direct...
"So then, my children, it follows on so naturally that when this power is used for anything but God's purpose, it is indeed misusing that liberty which God has placed in your possession.
"You see, dear children, there is no way but the right way - the highest way, in regard to this sacred communion; and those who use the power, those who expect from the instrument that which does not relate entirely to the things of the Spirit, they are incurring a grave responsibility. And, when they are free and they see the effort, the prayers, the preparation of those whom they love so well, then their hearts will be well-nigh broken that they did not ask from them the very best...
"And, children, mark you this: That although some may speak through an instrument upon the things of the earth - by the mere fact that they are willing to discuss such things - is a sign that they have progressed but a very little distance from the earth itself...
"I do not say bar their entry, but I say set to work as missionaries and endeavour to raise them. It is within the power of you, bound by the flesh, to set free another who is bound by the memory of the flesh. Missionary work indeed. And if in your conversation with them - mental or physical as it may be - if you seek to enlighten, if you call out the best, and refuse to listen to the second and the third best, so indeed you are liberating one who had imprisoned himself by his blindness when on earth...
"I underline this with all the emphasis I can find. To use the gifts of the Spirit for anything but the revelation of God's truth and the redemption of His children, is indeed betraying the spirit within and the Spirit without.
"And then, dear children, I want to speak to you about your own lives, about the lives of all those who are going through their physical experiences. It seems to you, so often, that you will never reach anything beyond the second best, and your heart aches when you recall the third and the fourth and the fifth...
"Oh, my children, God understands. And I am told to explain to you tonight, that growth is slow, but desire - right desire - is indeed as a motive force which can hasten that progress in a way which will fill your hearts with joy. During the daily round, when temptations - trivial though they may be - seem on every side, when the mind is nailed to those things which distress or which do not interest, and all the time the real you goes soaring up and up, trying to contact with its affinity in aspiration - and this condition comprises the environment of so many - it is the second best all along the line.
"But, my children, can you not see that because you long to be free from the mundane things of life and to work for God, to see the furrow you have turned up growing and growing - then that indeed is what is happening in the Spirit? And often it would be impossible that good work could be put in in the Spirit, if it were not for the uncongenial tasks, the things which seem to intrude upon your most sacred thoughts and cause disharmony. So take comfort, my children, and believe that God knows best.
"And then there is another point, and that is in regard to the enemies of this great Truth; and tonight I want to reassure you from every standpoint there could be, I want to take you back to other days than these and to show you how when He who was Truth Itself walked this little plane, His reception was the same; I speak not of one, I speak not of another, yet because I was there and because I saw and heard, I am bound to say that the custodians of the Truth of that time were responsible for the destruction of the fulfilment of the Truth... I use the word 'destruction' because that was in their hearts - they were determined to stamp out the gospel of Love which Christ came to teach...
"Oh, my children, as I speak, sadness fills my heart... How strange it seems, now that the years have fled, that man could be so blind. Yet, dear children, is it not typical of the physical mind that when promises are redeemed, it recognises them not? Over the years we had talked, we had instructed, as to the coming of the Messiah; and over the years the faithful few had asked themselves: 'Is it this year, is it next?'
"And then when the Light of the World came amongst them, shedding the radiance of His Love on all sides, Love was taken and crucified in the Name of God...
"Children, at this sacred season (Lent) which prepares the heart and mind for the day of sacrifice, I ask you, in thinking of the One you love so well, not to allow sorrow to claim you, but, rather, a great confidence which is born of the certainty that God can protect His own Truth...
" - 'Yes', you will say to me: 'But Christ was killed!' And I answer you that that was part of the plan, for man, so steeped in materialism, could never have been won in any other way. Remember that God offered Himself for the judgment of man, and man deemed Him worthy of death.
"And so, dear children, having bound your thoughts to that time of enmity and love, I bring you back to the work which has been entrusted in your care and in the care of an ever-growing number.
"Think you like this: The love for Christ is in your hearts, and you wish you could be a little like Him - so, remembering that when He was reviled He reviled not again, I ask you all to watch your thoughts and to watch your speech in regard to those who think they are strong enough to kill this Truth... For God has spoken and the Light is coming in a way impossible to over-exaggerate, and when those acting in the Name of God pass into Reality, they will suffer, if not in a like measure to those who rejected their Saviour, then in a measure which will seem terrible to them, for they tried to block the way of that further revelation of the Truth promised by the Master Himself...
"My children, I want you to rise to what is presented in your mind as the very best: That when would-be destroyers revile you, to revile not them; that when they accuse you of seeking to deceive while for themselves they claim honour and integrity, to hold back the words which rise to the lips... Honour and integrity, that belongs to them - and sweeping aside the effort, the dedication, and the self-sacrifice of others, they fasten to them a deceit and a duplicity too horrible to be described...
"Children, at the time of Calvary, two things stood out against the horizon: One, the temerity of man; and the other, the patience and mercy of God.
"So, my children, following my guidance, you will choose the better part, you will content yourselves with working on, using every means in your power to spread the good news - the gospel of hope, of Christ's love for those who know Him not, as well as for those who recognise Him as their God. The second best in regard to the Truth and the little children of the Light is not possible, because this consciousness of the Spirit is bound up in the soul, because it is part of the mind and heart, and so we chose the very best - for only the best is good enough for that which means so much.
"And then, dear children, I want to speak to you about those who are free, those you name the 'holy ones', the 'bright ones', those who, it seems to you, did such wonderful work for God while upon earth... I am thinking of the one who spoke to you in tones of such humility (St. Paul). You love him well and the instrument he used was sore distressed that he should address you thus; it seemed to her and it seemed to you so totally different from what anyone would have expected...
"Children, your comrade, Paul, loves you well, and your loyalty to him, your love for him, your tenderness over those thoughts - that revelation of God's Truth which he sought to give to a blind and unthinking world, all this has helped him. It is another law of the Spirit that those, as it seems to you, who are on the lowest rung of the ladder of progress, can help those who have climbed to such wonderful heights, but that is the will of Christ...
"Your comrade, Paul, thanks you for your loyalty and love; and I would explain that as we understand a little more of the generous Mind of God, of His infinite thought and care for us - as this consciousness grows, so then we realise how little we have done to deserve it, how we wasted our tools and our opportunities, how we misunderstood what now seems so plain, and, search how we may, no excuse can we find for ourselves...
"Children, this goes on and on, increasing as we climb, but oh, think you not that it brings the sadness that you felt from him. That sadness was the returning into a physical body - the memories of his own tabernacle of flesh and of those days, and faced with his greater consciousness of God now, he could not understand that other self, and he could not forgive that other self either...
"Yet, as you saw, this was against the will of the Loving Christ, and even as he spoke Christ comforted him and blotted out those memories for all Eternity...
"Children, when such as these come among you, holy in every sense, so it seems to you, then, according to their holiness - or as we regard it, according to their desire for holiness - so a little of the humility of Christ is made their own. And this humility grows and grows, and one time - in that far Hereafter - so perhaps we shall be able to feel that we have indeed adopted the humility of our Creator, but until the Christ-spirit is within completion that is not possible.
"And then, my children, I want to bracket that, as it were, with the aspect which is presented to all, whether in the body or out of the body, whether in the twilight planes or whether in those illumined by the glory of service:
"Children, according to our development, so the 'second best' and the 'best' changes and changes again. It must be so. The human mind, limited - yet unlimited, if it will use the gifts of the Spirit bestowed by God - that mind can only conceive a certain minute portion of Perfection; yet, because that is so infinitely greater and higher than the owners can rise to, so that stands to them as the best; and they struggle, aye, and they despair, yet they are always getting a little nearer to that which represents the spirit's desire...
"But, dear children, when the body is no more, and they see things a little more distinctly as regards Reality, so that 'best' appears to them absurdly inadequate, and instantly, out of their greater consciousness, out of their greater realisation of Perfection, so that which once represented the 'best' is their 'second best', and 'best' lies far ahead... And this will go on and on until we stand, as was promised, even as God Himself.
"You see, dear children, that while you are struggling on earth, we are struggling just the same; that while you view those who were attached to Christ during His earthly sojourn - while you view them with awe and admiration - they feel nothing of that for their own efforts. Nay, because they are a little farther on than you are, so their consciousness of Spirit has enlarged, and so they realise how far off they are from the Great Example, from Perfection, from The Beloved, from their God...
"So, dear children, you will see from this that the terms 'best' and 'second best' are attached to a condition which is of a temporary character only; therefore, in your regard for those who, as yet, are as little children in spiritual development, be very tender, judge them not... Ah, I know that even now you find it more difficult to judge than to withhold judgment; that should make your heart rejoice, for it shows that you are that inch nearer to the Christ attitude; Christ who, though judged by man and condemned, not only judged them not, but forgave even as the act was done... That is Christ, that is the Ideal, that is what we are all called upon to emulate.
"You see, dear children, that even the 'youngest' of those bound by the body, in their degree, at times rise to what stands in their conception as the best. To those who are trained soldiers, this may appear as a very sorry second best, but once they too could only rise to that.
"Oh, remember the stages which have been passed, and thank God that you are nearer now to Light and Understanding; and while you thank God, do His work - help those who are where you once stood, for indeed those who once were where you stand now, are helping you to be stronger, to be wiser, to get a little nearer to the spirit's desire...
"So, my children, in that little phrase 'the second best', no reproach lingers; it is, in itself, a motto of hope - it represents onward and upward, for the 'best' of today is the 'second best' of tomorrow, and the second best of today was the best of yesterday...
"Simple as all things are which are of God, simple as the Truth He came to teach; and while you kneel in prayer, try and visualise to yourselves the patience and the sweetness and the Love of the One who faced His persecutors, of the One who was crucified in the Name of God.
"And think you like this: That when those impute evil to you and cause your heart to ache, that then, in miniature, you are sharing that which Christ endured for the sake of the children He regarded as His Own... 'Yes, in miniature indeed!' you will say; but, my children, forget not this: Christ was Perfection; it is not expected of little children that they should carry the same burden as the One who is All-Strength, All-Holiness, All-Love.
"Yet in controlling the mind, in forbidding the natural retort, you can imitate, in your degree, that patience of The Christ which failed not even when faced by the treachery of those He had come to save, those who indeed had promised a Messiah to the people, those who were representing the God of their fathers... These killed the Saviour of the generations to come, but though the body was 'sacrificed', as it appears to you, the Truth was untouched... Truth for all time is imperishable, and Truth shall prevail, because God is stronger than all...
"So think you to yourselves like this: My part is the busy part, is the thoughtful part; the protecting part is that of the One who gave the Truth, the Owner, the Creator, and in His Hands I can leave the Truth with content...
"And in the sweet by and by, you shall look back on these days, and it will seem to you so strange that ever an anxious thought could find sufficient strength to live, because the Truth will be established and the Truth will have prevailed...
"Now, my children, I am going to leave you just for a little while. Recollect you are brother and sister to all, and give out of your love and sympathy, remembering that criticism is of the earth alone..."
(Others then spoke...)
"...Good evening, friends. It's Arnold - Edwin Arnold, and I know I have no right here except by the 'brotherhood' tie, and I am taking full advantage of it tonight... It is extremely difficult to speak after your leader; in fact, the few words I had put together are forgotten, and in such conditions it would seem that silence was best. But I am told to tell my little tale and to have faith that this is according to God's will...
"I want to speak to you about another religion than your own (Buddhism). This is not an explanation of my own attitude when on earth, but rather I want to convey something of the thoughts which flit through the human mind in regard to Religion as a whole...
"I made many enemies, and I can see their point of view in a way which is anything but pleasant; but in my mind there was something evolving, and the stages were curious and complicated because, you must remember, all my thoughts came under what I regarded as the 'searchlight' of my physical mind...
"That may sound rather a strange way of putting it, but you will understand that certain thoughts coming from you know not where, flit through the mind. Some are retained by the will, others are despatched as soon as may be...
"My thoughts - so I called them, but I see now, only too plainly, that many of them never belonged to me, especially the big thoughts and the pure thoughts. The others I made my own, and for that no excuse can be offered.
"I wandered about, and all the time, as I see it now, the spirit within was struggling to get free; and when I was in the East and was brought into contact with a sect of very pious men - I use that objectionable word 'pious' in its most comprehensive sense - I watched them and listened to them, and I had the opportunity of probing beneath the surface and finding out whether the zeal went right through...
"I was impressed. I thought to myself: Here is something better than our own; if it is not better, how can it bring out in the human heart and mind finer qualities than we can show?... I was a cynic, friends; yes, the cynicism had grown out of disillusionment and disappointment over the failure of others... We are like that, a good many of us - we are disillusioned by others; but when we come Here, we feel, to our sorrow, that disillusionment over ourselves...
"But I was telling you... Out there in the East, sacrifice - that curbing of the desire for comfort, the desire for the joys of the world, the hours of prayer and of meditation - all that impressed me enormously when, in thought, I went back to the West, to ourselves - our greed, the love of our bodies, our conventional mumbling prayers, all the outward profession of religion which, to me, only accentuated the hollowness beneath...
"I told you I was prone to judge others; I thought to myself that the East had got nearer to the spirit of true religion than the West... And the artistic side of my mind weaved around those devotees of the great god, Buddha, a wonderful fabric of piety and sacrifice... It was the idealism in me that had found an outlet at last.
"And then, after the adulation and criticism (over 'The Light of Asia') had done its work, I started to think once more, and this time with a sense of shame, for I had left Christ out!...
"It is impossible, in going back on our earth's experience, to imagine how we could have overlooked Christ, but that is because now we see a little of Him and we know... Countless thousands live through their life on earth forgetting Christ, and then, when they stand before Love, they can't explain, and they can't excuse themselves...
"You see, friends, underneath this a moral lies for all, and in it there is a sting. I judged my master by the majority of His followers, and that is a common practice today and all days. It brings home personal responsibility.
"Those who have been privileged to know another who not only loves God but reflects a little of that Love himself, unconsciously these have gained a better definition of the God they are called upon to worship... I judged Christ by His followers until I awoke, and then when I tried to put together those feeble thoughts concerning The Divine ('The Light of the World'), I found that because I had put Christ second, the power had gone...
"I want you to take from these few words just that little bit of Truth I have been entrusted to convey. You, everyone, judges God unconsciously by those who profess to be His disciples, but do not make the same mistake as I did, and as thousands are doing and have done from the beginning of things. Get away from them, from yourselves, and the misrepresentations, and go to Christ direct. Take His simple words, learn of Him, and hold fast to Him, if you would be saved the regret that was my portion, and which will be my burden for many a long day to come...
"Yet I am anxious to correct any misunderstanding which may arise from what I have said. Strangely enough, I found when I was free, that my sympathy, my effort to get inside the Eastern mind, had provided for me a tool, and a wonderful tool it proved, for it has saved my heart from breaking...
"Friends, I have been used for work amongst those who seem so far removed from you by custom and by space, yet so close by feeling. I've been used to help them to understand that, after all, they have only got the second best; and when they are strong enough, when they are old enough, I pass them on to others who take them to Christ...
"Yet, God's ways are not as man's ways, and while I tell you that they have followed the second best, many of these children of the East are farther on than those of the West, who have had the opportunity of knowing Christ, and of listening to His teaching through the Spirit...
"God's ways are not as man's ways, and He has gathered up the self-sacrifice, the negation of that 'self' which looms so large to those who take comfort as a right and ease as a necessity. Yes, the sacrifice made, all unknowing as to whom it was made, was accepted by the Master and used for the advantage of the giver in a way I cannot explain, but it is just God, just Love, and nothing, nothing has been allowed to stand between them and the One True Light...
"And, again, Christ has turned back to them that gift of sacrifice, and because self had been banished from their conditions, so the Father can use them for work amongst their own kind - to inspire others with the same attribute of self-sacrifice, so that when they come Home, they too will find their treasure waiting for them... And so the chain goes on - Love in the beginning and Love and understanding unto the end...
"Friends, there is much that comes into my mind as I stand here, but it concerns the material things of my life on earth. I will but say that in the old office (Daily Telegraph) I am working still - yes, at times I'm working still - but now it is to create something which I shall never be asked to lay aside... We learn and we learn hard, but I thank God for the hardness, and I thank God for all the difficulties, because each one overcome is bringing me that much nearer to what I want to be and what I hope to be, by God's grace, in the by and by.
"Goodnight, friends, and thank you for your kind attention. Later on, perhaps, I may come again, and I hope then to be able to tell you that I've learnt a little more, and I have produced some of those tools which will allow me to count myself an instrument of Christ... Goodnight..."
(When all had spoken, Zodiac returned and continued...)
"...Well, children, our happy evening is drawing to a close, but ere we part, I have a few words for those whose lives have been linked to your own (Mr. and Mrs. Grainger) and I speak to the woman first.
"I say to her: My child under Christ, there is much which lies in front which only the past could have produced; there is much which the future will reveal, and if the instrument is ready for use, so God's will on earth can be done... If faith, if courage and resolution are there, that home can represent a lantern - the lantern which gives out the light of Truth. And, again, if faith, if patience, if determination are there, she shall be used to gather in many who, otherwise, would have been as sheep outside the fold... And when she is free, because of what she has created for herself while on earth, receiving the Master's blessing she shall return to work once more, this time endowed with powers which shall seem to her miraculous in every sense there could be...
"To the man I speak thus: I say to him that within his hands there is an opportunity which will never come again - in his hands. As it were, he is standing at the cross roads - the one leads along the level way, the other up the hill, even as has been described tonight... Love only urges me to speak, yet I am not free to persuade or to influence, except by that same love; but in Christ's Name, I can promise that the hill will be worth the effort, and the advantage greater than words can express... The things of the earth, they pass away, but the things of God remain for ever.
"To the instrument (Philip Burton), I send but this brief word: The gifts of the Spirit are as a trust. With Christ in his heart, fear is kept outside the gates, but the young and the inexperienced should take counsel from those who are older and more versed in God's laws...
"To the child (Muriel), I also send a commendation. I remind her that the pure heart and the obedient heart is a gift to God direct, and because of that close link between the child and her Father-God, so the Father uses the child to express Himself...
"One last word: Each one in that home can, in their degree, be used direct by God. Then hesitate not, but go forward with courage, with that confidence which puts beyond the barrier the obstacles of the earth and the objections in the minds of others.
"Once again I return to the mother, and I tell her to remember that her Father and Mother God understands the human heart, and in His Hands she is safe for ever and for ever...
"And now, my children, having discharged this duty - and to us that word 'duty' is something which expresses joy - having drawn into our circle of love those who seem to you as strangers, I bid you pause and consider this: Time was when I seemed as a stranger to you. 'Impossible!' - you think. But time was when, to you, this great and glorious truth was as a closed book. Again the forgetful mind of the body exclaims: 'Impossible!' Yet, dear children, the book was opened and its pages were read, and that which was within found a resting place in your minds from which it will never be removed...
"So then, let your attitude towards the disbelievers be founded on the remembrance that once you knew not, although now you understand; and in time to come, either in this world or in one of those conditions when this brief stage is o'er, so too these will open the book of Revelation and will understand. And when the understanding comes, so they will go back on their tracks, and, by work, by effort, and by dedication, seek to bring the Light to others, seek to show them one more portion of the unlimited Love of God...
"And now I go. God bless you with that certainty which is greater than patience, because it is consciousness of God. When you pray 'make clean our hearts within us', then be certain that because the wish is there, so the consciousness of God's infinite purpose is slowly but surely penetrating the mind of the body; and as that consciousness comes, so you will realise in very truth that you are the sons and daughters of the Most High. And if now you tarry a little here and there, yet presently you will hasten on again, and the time will come when you will stop no more, except to gather others along with you, out of the twilight into the Light...
"God's peace is all around; the protection is complete, and the future is assured... God's Will will be done on earth, and man will awake to that greater sense of fraternity, which, over the centuries, he has forgotten...
"Goodnight, my children, rest in peace..."
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