An address given by the Christ messenger Zodiac through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes,
at the Zodiac Circle, 15 Nightingale Square, London, SW12, on Sunday, 9th December, 1923.
"O Holy and most Gracious God, we assemble once more in confidence and in the knowledge of Thy Love - assembled with all those from the Bright Realms to meet at the foot of Thy Throne, gathering together what gifts there may be on this side, and knowing that even the humblest and the smallest of what we have to offer will, when under Thy mighty Love, be turned and changed into beauty and power itself.
"Saviour Christ, we thank Thee, thank Thee that Thou hast made it possible for us to meet in this way; made it possible for the veil between the spiritual and physical worlds to be rent in twain, so that Thy little children - who are in outer darkness, they think - may be able to look within and see the splendour and glory that is prepared for those that seek to serve Thee.
"Send down Thy strength so that the physical may be cast aside, leaving only the spirit within - that spirit which belongs to Thee, and which Thou hast lent to each one in order that they, by effort and concentration of thought and holiness, may make it indeed their own. It is for this purpose that we meet evening by evening - for the purpose of raising the spirit above the things of the physical; stripping off all that seeks to hold it back, thus allowing that which is of Thee to be found good in Thy sight, because of the cleansing process which Thy children have voluntarily undertaken in order to make the gift worthy and acceptable.
"God, Thou knowest the struggles, Thou knowest the trials and the strain of daily life, Thou knowest the power of the shadows - and how these things together seek and successfully contrive to cast a dark cloud between Love and Thy children. Knowing all, Thou understandest all, and are willing to lift them from that self which strives to hold them down. Free, unfettered, able to rise to heights as yet beyond their comprehension - this is the ultimate end, and this is what we are striving for.
"Give of Thy strength and power to make this possible, not only in the days to come, but in the present and the immediate future, for great is the need and heavy the opposing forces.
"Christ be with us - not only in the sense that Thou art there when two or three are gathered together in Thy Name, but in the great gift of Thy Presence... Thy Presence...
"The Holy Spirit is on you all; rise in mind to meet it; open the gates of your heart, and let the Comforter enter in. Where Love is, naught that is of darkness can find a place, and that Love is here - it is here among you in its Divinity.
..."Good evening, my children. We have a lot to do together, as you know, and there is no time to be wasted at all. Every minute of these sacred hours that we spend together has been planned beforehand - nay, more than that, has been worked out long years before I came into your presence.
"This will give you some idea of what we are about. It isn't the events of the week before that influence my remarks - not in the way you think; but they were prepared all that long time ago, anticipating the troubles and the strain of the week, and even those petty fogging details which already are passing from your mind.
"You see, my children, it is no use my talking to you on big things unless I show you the infinite care and consideration which have been given to the little. You will find more and more that when anything is carried through successfully, the mind that conceived the whole, also, took under the closest scrutiny the details and the minute parts that contribute to that whole.
"Now, in your world it is said that the man, with the wholesale mind, does not concern himself with details. Well. I suppose it is accurate in this way: He does not work out these tiny details himself, but delegates to another this duty, but his is the overseeing mind. With the man who is too big to come down to details, his success is of an illusive quality entirely.
"Of course, in my own case, I do not pretend to work out individually every single aspect and opportunity presented by this work - with God's help I could do it, make no mistake about that. Over here none of us work on our own strength in any sense whatever; it is God first, second, third and last - GOD.
"But the reason I refrain is because there are countless others, waiting to do their part and these also, dear children, are so calling upon Christ 'daily and hourly', as you would say in your language. Christ is just as accessible to them as to me - as to you. Keep that point clear in your mind. There is no one who has a greater right than another to go to the Father and say 'Help me'. We are in His sight His children, without difference, without favour and without grade. 'Grade' - yes, that is the word I want.
"But let me get back to my point: I say in regard to this work, there are many, many who are strangers to you, longing to participate, and so it is my great joy to give joy to them, because you see it is done for the one object and for the One Adored Christ.
"And then I will speak of the grades. You, in the physical world, find it impossible to refrain from putting this person and that person into a certain category, and the more spiritual the character, so you take it for granted that Christ will pay more heed to their prayers. You think that, and then on the other hand you exclaim at the sorrows and trials which beset the road of those who are out to become as near like the Crucified as possible.
"You see, dear children, it is necessary to show up these contradictions in your minds, because it is solely the physical way of thinking. And what applies to that applies in the main, to your attitude over everything.
"The mind seems to be able - without any difficulty whatever - to run in double harness; it can think two opposing things about the same subject at the same time, and those two a direct contradiction, one of the other.
"It should be a warning to you; it should show you how easily deceived that mind can be; how easily blindfolded, tricked, diverted.
"My children, it is a big subject and yet I want to touch upon it a little if I can. I want you to try and square things. Because I say in God's sight we are all equal, that does not mean that each draws the same power and strength from the All High. You must remember that those at the beginning of the hill do not realise all the help that lies on either side, and still less do they realise the great strength in front, and what they do not ask for they do not receive.
"Now that last sentence may cause misunderstanding. God's love and guidance and succour is around even His most wilful children, but unless your minds are in the attitude of wishing for a thing, it cannot be made your own, except in a very small proportion. That which comes from God is unlimited, unrestricted and unbreakable, but only those who by pain and suffering have climbed, anyhow a length of the hill to God, have sufficient experience to call upon it and put it to practical use.
"I wish that some of you could see the resources which lie at your disposal. If you could but grasp it, sorrow would be unknown; if you could but utilise the help of all those on the other side -who stand ready and waiting to give it, you would be able to defy all your enemies and go on your way rejoicing. But you cannot grasp it - not yet. Presently I hope this will be possible. At the moment when things go wrong, Christ seems very far away and the world, with its many discomforts and disappointments, terribly, terribly close.
"I want my little ones to get still more into the way of thinking of Christ over everything, and if you merely think of us, in reality, you are thinking of Christ as well, because the only thing that attracts you to us - that draws out your love, is solely the little bit of the Master which we are cherishing and hoping to develop in time to come..."
(Others then speak through Miss Moyes...)
"...I am afraid I have caused a little disquiet. It has been most difficult to come, and I cannot do tonight what I hoped to do. You are all... I must speak in spite of the confusion that my coming will leave behind - I must speak ... I am a stranger to you all but you are known to me well - very, very well.
"It is the father of he whom you call Mr... (Name not published)... I am determined to speak... I want my son to know for Whom he is asked to work. I want it to be made quite clear - it is for Christ and Christ alone; the Tender Saviour that I trained him to follow and to adore.
"It is the great test of faith - faith not only in his God, but in the direction and the guidance which is over his life. This is of first importance, so important that I have broken down barrier after barrier; powers and forces of evil; gates that were barred against me - everything that evil could erect, and fought and struggled, and prayed and prayed that I might speak and tell him to go on.
"It is God's will. It is the working of the Holy Spirit. It is the greatest gift that man could have - the greatest mission to lay down self for ever, and to show to Whom he belongs.
"Christ, I thank Thee with all my heart that through this woman I have been able to come and show the way to the one I love so well. In gratitude, in gratitude I kneel before Thee, Christ... Christ, let this evening bring the blessing - the blessing that I have worked and striven for during the long, long years of waiting...
"In Thy Hands all is well, and I thank Thee, thank Thee, thank Thee - Christ, my Saviour and my God..."
(After others had spoken, Zodiac returned and continued)
"Well, dear children, we have had quite a busy evening. Lots of things have been done which you don't know anything about, but that doesn't mean that you are not going to share in the blessing that they will bring. You cannot do the smallest thing, even unconsciously, in regard to these evenings, without a rich and splendid - not reward - a rich and splendid gift being made your own.
"I want you children to remember this a little more - not to underestimate yourselves or your thoughts in this direction; to be certain in your mind that God does not overlook the tiniest seed sown in the long furrow that He has prepared for you.
"I recall to your minds the familiar verse:
"Well there is one alteration that I have to make to those lines, and that concerns ourselves alone. The 'Weeks' of faith and patience should be instead 'centuries'. I tell you that for you to think over - it will give you a larger view, and it will show you the marvellous results which have occurred in the few short months of your own campaign.
"I would not have you think that these centuries - which to you have a very dreary sound indeed - were spent in sadness and disappointment and wasted effort - not a bit of it - not one thought that we sent out has not, or will not, bear its fruit; not one effort that was called into being by those upon earth that shall not be found intact hereafter.
"Disappointments, sadness - these things don't exist when you really love Christ and are working for Him. Sadness and disappointments relate to the things of the earth only; with the things of God it is joy and gain and triumph - what a contrast.
"You see, dear children, that once more you have got to turn your thoughts round. I use that phrase because thought is something like a globe, and if it is turned away from the sun, well, of course, it is in the shade; but thought is a moveable thing. Take any thought that is not entirely trivial, that thought depends for its influence upon you entirely on the amount of light that is allowed to shine on it.
"I will explain: There is nothing that you can think about in a serious way that has not many phases, according to the mood that you are in, the same thought, but shaded, blemished, distorted by the reflection of your own attitude of the mind at the moment.
"Your views do not change with every passing mood - not your real opinions. But today a thing looks possible and hopeful; tomorrow, or yesterday, it is utterly beyond your horizon. The globe of the physical mind has swung round in the unfavourable breeze, and the light of God cannot shine upon it - nothing more... Sorry, little one - (dictation very fast).
"Although, my children, I spoke, perhaps, somewhat vehemently, I would not have you think that I do not understand how easy it is for Thought to move - to swing on its axle. I want you to realise always that that same instability of the physical mind is understood completely by your Saviour; and the only thing to prevent that instability is to anchor yourself to Him – nothing else can prevent it. You love to be under God's sunshine; you hate to be separated from Him in any sense whatever, and yet again and again the chill comes on the heart, and God seems to have turned aside. Impossible, of course, but when a thing appears so, it is almost as bad as if it were so, and that we understand too.
"Remember this little simile in the days to come, and when your thoughts start to be on the move - away from the brightness, think hard of God as an Anchor, and they will be arrested. The sunshine only is for you and soon, dear children, you shall find much more help in this direction. The going won't be so hard, and happiness - instead of being like flickering sunshine on a cold, winter day - will have strength and warmth in it, and will not forsake the path which you are following.
"It is meant for all - all who wish to love God, and it is the sunshine which never fades... to which there is no evening and so no night as well. Healing, protecting, illuminating - the sunshine that comes from the Tender Heart and understanding Mind of God Himself.
"Goodnight, my children, be at peace, evil cannot strike you - you are free and not slaves in any sense whatever - the children of God and the heirs of Everlasting Life. That is all."
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