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Jesus and The Zodiac Messages
Winifred MoyesWooden CrossZodiac Christ Messenger
The Zodiac Messages
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An address given by the Christ messenger Zodiac through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes,
at the Zodiac Circle, 15 Nightingale Square, London, SW12, on Sunday, 20th January, 1924.

"Father, Thy little children meet before Thy understanding love, and offer up their hearts and minds to be soothed and cleansed and purified, so that they may be able to get into touch with that which is Divine. Grant us this boon tonight, and also that the memory of the past may be blotted out and that hope and confidence in the future may take its place.

"Into Thy Hands we commend ourselves, our lives, our sorrows, and our failures, knowing that with Thee all is safe - that there are no loose ends when Thou hast overseen what has been done and what will be done in the days that lie before.

"In Thy care we leave ourselves, knowing that Thou art strong enough to protect us from that most destructive enemy of self, which uses the physical mind to strike its owner, and to wound those very feelings it was given to defend. Thus when Thou speakest the shadows must stand aside; when Thy Presence is given nought that is not of Light can find a place; where Thy love rules there is protection indeed and tomorrow dawns fair.

"Father, I thank Thee that ever Thou bringest us through - that never is the tunnel of earthly experience too dark or too long for Thy patience, and that in the end the soul emerges into the Light which is its own, bought and purchased by much suffering and travail of spirit and much waiting - bought by tears and the anguish which is too sacred to touch upon - bought and paid for for ever more.

"Send down upon us all Thy Spirit - Thy comforting Spirit - and grant that these quiet hours alone with Thee, and those that dwell in Thine own spheres, may leave such an impression that the world will be powerless to strike so hard again.

"The blessing of the Holy Spirit is upon you all. Open your hearts and minds to receive this most precious gift, and be certain that It is there in all Its power and in all Its love, because it comes from the Heart of God - a direct gift from Divinity to mankind; a direct gift from those tender recesses of your Father of which as yet you know nothing.

"My children, there is one very weary pilgrim amongst you and I want you to give me your entire attention until I have been able to build up that which is necessary to carry this evening through. We cannot work directly against nature, as I have told you before, and when inroads of an extensive kind have been made on the vitality of the instrument we are using, we have first to repair that which is absent, and I am on this task at the moment. You can help me, as I say, by giving me your direct and undivided attention.

"PEACE - that is what all my children crave for; it is what they all fall back upon after experiencing in brief any of the gifts which the world has to give. These distract for the moment, but ever and ever again the soul within cries out for peace.

"Tonight I am going to speak to you about this great gift which is in fact the greatest not only during the physical stages, but the greatest possible that we can have on this side as well.

"But, first of all, I would have you understand that the peace to which you refer is not the peace which we set our wills and our endeavours to gain.

"My children, in a world of many distractions - of sorrow and constant disappointment, the pain of the heart demands some anodyne, and so your minds ask for peace. You mean the cessation of that which frets your spirit - the detachment of your physical lives from those things that tease and irritate. In fact, peace represents to you a back-water out of the busy and crowded stream of life - that back-water being your ambition, because you think that once you have thrust the boat of your mind into its winding ways, you will find the harmony that now eludes you.

"My children, there is one thing you have forgotten. These little by-paths as a rule either, farther on, come out again into the crowded river, or else they grow shallower and shallower and finally end against Mother-earth. No boat can stay for long in those dead ends, and there are some who in their endeavour to get away from that which tortures, force their little craft so far up that winding way, that almost before they are aware of what has happened, lo, it has emerged again into the noisy crowded main.

"You see, my children, that your ideas of peace do not produce very much because you are ignorant of what peace should be. Peace is not getting out of the trouble when other people are in it; peace is not turning your back on the battle while others are fighting on. No, it's bought only by the courageous, by those who instead of separating themselves from that which represents physical life, plunge into the thickest part and keep on until the fight is won.

"I want you all to think about this - it applies also to those who as yet do not acknowledge themselves as my children. It is so comprehensive that it is applicable to the world at large, and you, little ones of my heart, in you it should find a responsive note because of the training that I have given you, because of the preparation, and because the Spirit of God is in your hearts, even if now and again it seems to have been pushed outside the thinking mind.

"And then I turn to our definition of that same coveted gift, and to give you any impression that comes near to the real, I must tell you at once that peace is so akin to joy that it is impossible to tell where one begins and other takes its place. And again, that love is so interwoven with peace and joy that God would not attempt Himself to draw the dividing line between the three.

"There you have it - peace, joy and love - each one illustrating the other, and each one bringing as part of its gift the other two.

"And so, my children, once more I direct your thoughts above, not ignoring the trials of the present, and certainly not overlooking the steep road of the past. But these make it all the more essential that you should fix your eyes upon that brightest Star of all - upon Christ our Saviour and our King.

"And then you would ask me the quickest and most effective way of gaining peace - any form. Well, my children, it all comes back to this: To those little acts of service, to the constant re-dedication of the mind, and to the wish and the determination to build up faith as you go along. So simple. And yet so terribly difficult; you all think that you have all found it so. And Christ - who suffered the woes of earth and many others, which could never be our lot - Christ is not unmindful of the task that lies before you.

"Listen then and take comfort - take comfort in the thought that when you fail - or when you think you have failed - Christ is there, to make good that which missed being of the quality which you call: 'good', and which the spirit within you intends to have. Take comfort, I say, in this thought: That the wish to do better, even though that wish is enmeshed by the shadows and their temptations – if the wish beneath it all is to do better, then Christ can bring up to standard that which you failed to do yourself.

"My children, I tell you this quite freely because I know full well that you have reached that stage now when the tendency to let things slide, because of the love of God, will prove no stumbling block in your path. My children have reached that stage when the spirit within is not satisfied with anything but the best, and you will find, and have found, that when you fail, the direct result is sorrow and darkness. There is no inducement to the spiritually enlightened to fail themselves - the price exacted is too heavy and the anguish is too great.

"My children, I speak rather seriously tonight, not sadly as some may think, but I do speak in a very serious way because it is against my will - and still more so against the will of the Father - that you, the little children of Light, should find the road so steep and heavy. I wish you would let me help you more. I know it is not easy.

"When the contending forces stand in so important an array, it seems - for the time being - that by their very force they have intervened, and pushed the helpers back. That is entirely the impression they wish to convey, and they do it too easily in some cases.

"My children, nothing in your world, and nothing even from the darkest planes in ours, could be strong enough to separate you either from the love and protection of God or from the constant companionship of those who love you in the spirit worlds - nothing can do that. But the shadows have it in their power to draw the curtain of evil in between. We do not recede a step, but we have to wait for you not only to be willing, but to find sufficient effort to drag that curtain aside ... and all the time the shadows tell you it is darkness itself and no veil at all.

"I tell you these things in order to put you more on your guard. You say to me: 'But I pray and no answer comes!' My children, looking at things from your point of view it does seem at times that prayer avails but little, but could you see things as they are actually taking place, you would know without doubt that the smallest prayer which is voiced even by an unbelieving mind, is creating power and bringing assistance as it rises - no waiting, even before the words find expression when they are way back in the physical mind - from that stage the help is forthcoming.

"But it must appeal to you that if there were outward and visible signs of the Presence of God, at once there would be no test for your faith at all - it would produce nothing, it would be lifting the burden from you even before you had attempted to shoulder it yourself.

"One day, my children, you will look back with amazement to see how close you were even now to peace - not the world's peace, but the only peace that counts. These last troubles are very wearing - they try you physically, mentally, and you think spiritually. They do try you spiritually in very truth, but each time the test comes, so the real you responds - a little delay sometimes, but the spirit responds in a way you cannot grasp, and so when the contest is over a gain is added, and the remembrance of the pain is wiped out by the power lent to us by God.

"You have all experienced that and so, dear children, I want you to take fresh heart; I want you to know that things are only bad from the outside point of view, but underneath they are shaping splendidly, and it's the underneath that counts. A passing wind, the destructive hand of man - many trivial things of this nature can alter the aspect of the surface of the earth, and in a few short minutes destroy that which has been erected or planted by much care and effort.

"You see, dear children, from this the wisdom of carrying on the important part of the work under the surface. The work then instead of being at the mercy of destructive forces, the surface is used as a cloak and a protection for the plans being worked out underneath. All the most important things are covered up - it is the only course, the safest and the wisest for those who intend to bring anything through without the marring hand of evil.

"Therefore, dear children, take heart of grace, and be certain that things are not what they seem; that God's Hand is at work in a wonderful way, and soon you shall see something of the beautiful pattern which He has been weaving and which is going to produce so much.

"There I leave it for tonight. We have talked things over, and we have created really a definite and considerable atmosphere of peace in this room. The stillness of peace which is - of all - the greatest instrument you could provide for helping those you love to come through, free unhindered... Quietness - the stillness of thought, and the peace which makes for perfect communion, through the grace of God, with those you love and these who love you far better than you can grasp, until you pass out of the physical and the limited, into the bigness and the grandeur of the things which are of the Spirit...

"...I will leave you now for a short time...

(After others had spoken Zodiac returned and continued)

"...Well, my children, I think... (you heard just now about conditions - I have to scatter a few)... I think, my children, that after all we have had a very happy evening, and I want you to tell Annie that she was present in a very definite way, as well as many others who are far from you. I bring this in because I am most anxious that those who are not able to be with us evening by evening should know that when their thoughts come this way, then I count them as present and speak to them just as much as to you who are here.

"I am not going to keep you any longer tonight because time presses, but I want you to take away one thought, and that is the thought of PEACE - and still more so the certainty that that peace can be your own, and if you only show courage and resource you can rid yourself of the power of the shadows, even as I have told you before - by stepping across the threshold, out into the Light of God's perfect Sun.

"Steady your wills a little longer; see in each evening the new threads which are being weaved in. There is not one that shall not justify its existence in a way you little understand... Follow the Star which is Christ; keep your eyes above the level - there on high is your Inspiration, and by the power of the Spirit you can realise your ideals, and you can bring them into your own lives, if only the will and the determination holds good.

"Could you but see it, my children, there right away, the clouds are parted and the Heavens are revealed - nothing between you and the Spirit. If only you could have more faith... nothing between you and God except the enemy - no, that is wrong... nothing between you and God although the enemy tries to make it appear so.

"Cling to this thought: That between you and Christ there is no division, and that temptation and testing and trying are only to prove your worth - to prove that you belong to Him in very truth; and in spite of anguish, this is demonstrated again and again and will be, whatever the opposing forces.

"Keep yourself free from sorrow - open your hearts to joy. And be certain that although Christ is with you in your troubles - joy is the gift which comes from Him. Grief but the blows of the evil - happiness akin to the Spirit. Sorrow linked to the earth, something from which you have to detach yourself - and thus emancipated to rise above the valley and to be free in the illimitable expanse of the blue.

"That is God's will and this will be the future: The three-fold blessing - never forget it.

"Goodnight, my little ones. Those far cleverer and more powerful than the brightest fairies are around you, all bringing their love-gifts and healing the wounds of memory of the past. Let the good work go on, and help them by thinking of the brighter tomorrows.

"Goodnight, my children - like another, I am loth to go..."

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Download nine printable PDF books of Zodiac Messages containing unaltered
chronologically-ordered scripts from the Zodiac Circle before the first public appearance
(New Revelation, 1923-1928)

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Download an executable file of every Zodiac Message on this website to read on a computer
(ranging from 1923-1957)

The Zodiac Messages © 1965 - 2024 incl.
The Greater World Association.

All rights are reserved and may not be used or reproduced, neither in whole nor in part thereof, in or on any form of media, including the Internet. The providing of direct hyperlinks to Greater World website copyright material is welcomed, thereby fulfilling any intended aspirations for anyone concerned whilst maintaining the integrity of the well-intentioned, deeply-considered and long-standing ideals of the Greater World.

The Greater World has sole copyright for the Zodiac Messages and came into existence as the Greater World Christian Spiritualist League in 1931 (U.K. Registered Charity No. 212369). The Greater World was originally established purely because of the Zodiac Messages and their introduction into earthly life by the Christ Messenger Zodiac and the further revelations of the Christ Mission expounded therein. The inception of the Greater World was for the preservation, as received, of the Zodiac Messages and the prudent dissemination of the spiritual philosophy, consequently perpetuating the incorruptibility, distinctiveness and uniqueness of the Zodiac Messages and the teachings contained therein.

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