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Jesus and The Zodiac Messages
Winifred MoyesWooden CrossZodiac Christ Messenger
The Zodiac Messages
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An Extract From


Taken from an Address given by the Christ messenger Zodiac through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes,
at the Queen's Cinema, Cardiff, on Sunday, June 17th, 1945.

..."So we come to the reconstruction of human life. You are bothered today over the slow process of the reconstruction of material things, and here a word of warning must be given, because there are some who no longer are controlled by a sense of duty, either to their land or to their employers; there are others who consider it in the nature of a joke to accept a recompense to which they are not entitled. And you are disconcerted when you see such as these apparently successful, and those who were the sufferers bereft perhaps of health as well as of their home.

"I want to clear your vision. Their day is very short, and I have underlined again and again that those who steal from others, whatever form the theft may represent, they are only stealing from themselves, they are stealing something which will segregate them among the unemployed when this short stage of life is over.

"I want you to think upon this serious point. When man is free from the flesh and from the encumbrances of the physical mind - which is a very crude tool - there is one thing that animates him, and that is to create. He has wonderful ideas flowing through the mind of the spirit, which is partly released; he has dreams that represent beauty and power, he has great schemes which he finds are possible to bring to fruition; yes, but sometimes he has the bitterness of watching others do that which he would love to do himself. For if he has abused the gift of labour while the flesh held, he has to wait to acquire the necessary equipment and to release those essential spiritual gifts which can allow him to find a place among the army of workers in the World of Spirit.

"Then we turn to those who are conscientious, to those who say: 'I love work, I could not live an idle life. I should be miserable!' - What are such as these demonstrating? Their conditions may be very limited, they may be graded amongst the earthly failures, but I want you to remember, beloved, that in God's sight they are building beautiful worlds.

"I would speak to my brothers here, to those who have had ambitions and yet have had to lay them aside because of pressing duties in the home. Be of good cheer, my brothers, you have no cause to grieve. I congratulate you, I say that you are on the winning side; and when you are free from this short stage of limitation, you will find not only that you have the right equipment to do the work you love the most, but there will be those gathered around you offering their services, desiring to be one of the band, the band which is essential, for only by co-operation can we create in the Father's Home. Many forget the great, grand rule of family in its truest sense.

"Then I turn to the women, with their multitude of tiring tasks, all the disappointments and the lack of appreciation, all the taking for granted that which they do day by day and year by year. My sisters, I speak to you with great understanding, and I implore you to drive back the word of complaint, for the word of complaint leads on to a sense of injustice, and a sense of injustice builds up a tendency to neglect. Many a woman, quite unconsciously, has thrown away her peace in the world to come because, as you would name it, she 'downed tools' for she was tired of it all.

"Would that your eyes could be opened, would that you could see, as you stand cleansing the many garments, what is going on, for always remember that the things of the earth but symbolise the great truths, the verities of the Spirit. There is no woman, tired and depressed by much toil, who is not creating something wonderful for the new world which is in the making, and which can progress only in the degree of the effort given forth by the rank and file.

"You are the builders, you are the re-constructors; you, beloved, by following the road of duty, by stifling the word of complaint, are being used by God to rectify in little part the awful wreckage brought to pass by men and women working under the domination of the forces of evil.

"But no force of evil can wreck the plans of God, for God is God, but God has given unto man free-will, and because God does not break His promises you can do as you wish over those fundamentals which will mean all in all to you when you inherit the life that follows physical death."...

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Download nine printable PDF books of Zodiac Messages containing unaltered
chronologically-ordered scripts from the Zodiac Circle before the first public appearance
(New Revelation, 1923-1928)

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Download an executable file of every Zodiac Message on this website to read on a computer
(ranging from 1923-1957)

The Zodiac Messages © 1965 - 2024 incl.
The Greater World Association.

All rights are reserved and may not be used or reproduced, neither in whole nor in part thereof, in or on any form of media, including the Internet. The providing of direct hyperlinks to Greater World website copyright material is welcomed, thereby fulfilling any intended aspirations for anyone concerned whilst maintaining the integrity of the well-intentioned, deeply-considered and long-standing ideals of the Greater World.

The Greater World has sole copyright for the Zodiac Messages and came into existence as the Greater World Christian Spiritualist League in 1931 (U.K. Registered Charity No. 212369). The Greater World was originally established purely because of the Zodiac Messages and their introduction into earthly life by the Christ Messenger Zodiac and the further revelations of the Christ Mission expounded therein. The inception of the Greater World was for the preservation, as received, of the Zodiac Messages and the prudent dissemination of the spiritual philosophy, consequently perpetuating the incorruptibility, distinctiveness and uniqueness of the Zodiac Messages and the teachings contained therein.

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