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Jesus and The Zodiac Messages
Winifred MoyesWooden CrossZodiac Christ Messenger
The Zodiac Messages
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An address given by the Christ messenger Zodiac through the deep trance mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes,
at the Zodiac Circle, 15 Nightingale Square, London, SW12, on Saturday, 27th February, 1926.

"O beneficient Father, we thank Thee that ever Thou handest out to us this good gift, and we ask Thee to so attune our hearts and mind to the things of the Spirit that the world, with its multitude of influences, may fall from us even as a discarded garment...

"Saviour Christ, into Thy Presence we come and with gratitude, with adoration we place ourselves entirely in Thy service - oh, so humbly, asking that Thou wilt use us, guide us, heal us, purify us, so that indeed we may be counted vessels to carry the gospel of Light...

"Tender Shepherd of mankind, Thou who hast ever sought for the straying, Thou who hast found the so-called lost, be with us, be in us, and inspire us by Thy example not only to work, but to be willing to suffer for Thy sake and for the sake of those we wish to help...

"Gratitude to Thee, our God - aye, gratitude again and again - for Thou hast raised Thy little children into that high and lofty position of working not only for Thee, but with Thee in retrieving that which has been thrown away... Amen...

"...My little children, it is with joy inexpressible that we meet together to hear God's Word. It is a privilege for me to speak to you, and to look within heart and mind, and to see there the desire to learn...

"Oh, my children, though the body binds, though the ears are deaf and the eyes are sealed to the great glories which lie all around, one day - ah, one day, you shall see and rejoice - rejoice that the spirit within was strong enough, had been freed sufficiently, to influence the mind of the body to take the hard road, the rough road, the steep road which leads to the achievement of selflessness and the enthronement of the Divine within...

"Children, we have much to do tonight, and I ask each and every one to put out of their minds desires for this, longings for that. It is work, it is learning, it is that subtle preparation which ever must go on, and because so much lies in front, must be steadfastly adhered to, for ere you can teach others so I must teach you...

"And the things of the Spirit, they must be learnt grain by grain. You cannot step into Spirit-consciousness on desire alone. You are surrounded by vibrations too fine for the physical mind to grasp; you are keyed to that which is of God, yet the body holds; and influences - which have been cast over the world throughout the ages by those who forgot they were children of the Most High - these have done their damaging work; and while you struggle, yet you know not against what you struggle, and so it is that fragment by fragment, that consciousness must be gathered up and made your own.

"And here it is that I would draw your attention to the value of work. Children, until you are free, work is only seen in its physical semblance, but when spiritual sight is your own, you will find that even those mundane tasks, even the trivial round has contributed to the good soil in which the gifts of the Spirit must be placed ere they can reach that stage of blossom, of fragrance, and of beauty, which is not of the world at all.

"Work - yes, work. And you who covet those gifts, shall draw others to you. You who long to look at your dear ones, and to meet and greet them as in the sweet long ago, you know it not but you are seeking the will o' the wisp in comparison with the joy that comes from work; and that joy is building, brick by brick, that which must be your own ere you are fit instruments to be used by the Master...

"So then, children all - ah, and children you must remain until the greater understanding comes - children, fret not over the daily tasks, say not to yourselves: 'How much I could do if I were free from this and that'... Those same tasks, by the very irritation and heartache they cause, these are preparing you, these are purifying you, so that when you are free, the will - which has made or marred us all - the will can be laid before Christ, unchained to anything of the earth.

"And now, my children, that which I would discuss with you tonight, indirectly reflects something which is of the bright realms, and yet it concerns your little plane which you call the earth.

"Yes, this evening I would speak of: 'God's will to be done in this same material world'... 'Thy will be done on earth' - and, children, until you can grasp something of what lies underneath this phrase, so, unconsciously, you are putting barriers in the way of bringing that mighty purpose to pass.

"The prayer goes up again and again: 'Thy will be done on earth', yet think you like this: How far does man himself contribute to this great plan? What are the first steps? What is it that is essential for God's will to be done on earth?...

"Children, it is that same obedient heart; it is the laying aside of self, it is the laying at the Saviour's Feet those gifts of the mind, which - right from the beginning of creation - have by man been ranked too high because, in place of the Giver, in place of the Bestower, self has stood instead.

"Never can the human mind grasp what this admiration of the mind of the body has destroyed for man. Until you are free from that which binds you cannot comprehend the subtlety of the weapons used by those who are out to strike Love Itself. To the man of ability they go, and in the very act of helping to develop that ability, so they are placing the spirit a step farther away from the One True Light. Those who love their God, how do they approach such as these?

"Ah, my children, many are the temptations, many are the tests - and to the pure of heart, the one who with singleness of purpose has forced his reluctant body to tread the difficult way - to these they come in their multitude, because to the strong in spirit so those who are strong in evil gather, seeking to divert, endeavouring to block that same progress. For the man who knows his God, he introduces God to his neighbourhood, and therefore those against the Christ and against His redemption of man, so these pursue and pursue, and many a pilgrim is broken of heart ere the greater knowledge comes.

"My children, can you not see that this must be so, can you not grasp that when things go wrong, when friends betray, when the enemies of the body draw close, that these are tests - testing your strength, for God needs helpers, God requires from His children that which only they can provide; and if their armour is weak, if they are off their guard, how can He entrust the spirits of others to their care?

"Ah, here is your key to service for Christ, and so it is that right down the ages there have been the strong souls, the willing souls, the pure souls, and these have suffered much - suffered so that 'God's will may be done on earth'...

"My children, the enemies which lie around may be numerous, they may be strong, but Love is stronger still. Those who seek to entrap, yes, they use devices which seem to you clever in their ingenuity, but wait - what of the Watchers, what of the Keepers - are they sleeping, have they forgotten? Nay, even as I speak, they are amongst you, healing, strengthening, separating those things in the physical mind which belong to God from those others which still are linked to the world...

"Oh, my children, the way to Christ is simplicity itself if the eyes are kept on the Master and not allowed to stray over the valley which lies spread out around you. There your danger lies, for in so looking, the mind asks and it wonders: 'What of this? Why should that happen to me?' - and as the thought springs up and finds no answer, so sorrow invades the citadel of the soul and remains.

"Children, I say that when those doubts and wonderings arise in the mind of the body, it seems no answer can be made, but is not that because the eyes are on the valley and have forsaken the hill? Is it not that you seek explanation from the minds of others equally bound as yourselves, while the solution - simple as all things of God - is there before you?

"You - yes, you - have chosen, out of your love for God, to be a tool, an instrument, to be used by Him to bring about the completion of His will on earth; then why flinch from the blows - why do you shrink? Can you not see that the only link between man and Christ is suffering? Those other possessions, they are His gifts, they are His endowments, and until you have suffered you have not made them your own...

"That is Truth, that is the Spirit at work, that is the enlightenment which I have come to bring... I and countless others, through the ages, have been working amongst the children of the earth, seeking to soothe, always explaining, reasoning, and delivering from those sad thoughts which indeed are as a cloud between them and the brightness of God's Face...

"They cannot understand, and you, my children, cannot understand, but the time is coming when the power of the Spirit shall sweep the shadows aside, and then man, conscious of what he is and to Whom he belongs, will treat sorrow as his best friend, will welcome as the favoured guest, pain, because pain is the link between him and the suffering Christ...

"Oh, my children, as I speak, would that it were in my power to set you free, would that I could so impress the mind of the body that it could gather up its precious gifts; for this pain, that struggle, is just another brick in the foundation which is essential before God's will can be done on earth...

"The gifts of the mind, the knowledge of the world - good in themselves, but man has turned those same tools into an enemy. The things of the Spirit - overlooked, unsuspected - are in everything which constitutes your daily life; and the things of the Spirit, these must grow, they must expand, before they can burst upon a heedless world and show Christ literally in their midst.

"My children, to those of you who have felt that physical life is in the nature of an enigma - to you I speak in tones of perfect understanding; I tell you, instructed by God, that had it not been for those same things which went so hard, so, when you were free from the body, the body would still bind; for indeed - in realms other than physical - you erect, by your thoughts, a counterpart of the physical, which, in its hold, in its tenacity, is ten million times harder to destroy than the physical itself.

"Here and now is your opportunity - here and now, and Christ is with you, teaching, instructing, guiding and preparing you for the work which lies in front. I have told you that we have entered upon the days of revelation; I have told you that it was within the power of man to perform miracles - aye, miracles which shall astonish a blind and unthinking world. Yet ere that time comes, so the greatest miracle of all must take place - and that is the releasing of the true self, the bringing into active being that which is within, that which in some sleeps as if in death...

"So, my children, tonight I want you to take, individually, that question of responsibility; I want you to go back over what has been, and to see in those wounds of the past the landmarks of the future; I want you not to count your brief advantages - advantages as presented by the world - but to collect, to enumerate those things which went wrong, and to see in them milestones passed, that which has taken you out of the continent of self into the unlimited Realms of Spirit, where self has no place.

"Children, Christ has shown the way by His sweet example; ah, yes, by His life of sacrifice; ah yes, by the betrayals of friends, and His forgiveness; ah yes, by His rising from the 'dead'. But supreme over all this, one fact stands out, and it should be your anchor: That Christ suffers still - that the Cross has never been left.

"That is what man cannot grasp. The years have vanished, and the story of Calvary remains as something which happened away back - too far off to count today except as a beautiful story which is true. But I say that long ere Calvary, Christ - your God and my God - was on the Cross.

"Can you not see my meaning? Can you not fathom that to watch His children struggling, to realise the long and weary path of return, to anticipate the blows of the evil, of that disobedience which has been the rock over which all have fallen - can you not see that from the beginning of creation, God has suffered, suffered, suffered?

"And because He is God, because He is your Father and my Father, because that which is within Himself is within you too, that suffering must go on unless - unless 'God's will is done on earth as it is in Heaven', and that word 'earth' applies to all those states which still hold remembrances of earth, which still bear the marks of the earth life.

"God, who has given us so much, has given Himself as well; and you cannot grieve, you cannot mourn, you cannot think one sad thought, without passing on in the instant - aye, and before that - pain to the One who created you, who has watched and tended you from time unthinkable by the physical mind...

"This is the gospel I am instructed to teach: That man, evade it how he will, is torturing his God, because God is in us all, and in striking at the spirit so the Source is struck as well.

"My children, can you not see from this how suffering links you to God as nothing else can? You may attempt to follow the straight and narrow way, you may distribute those gifts which are your earth possessions, you may lend a helping hand to others - but until you can place yourself in the position of the less fortunate, so Christ is kept outside of your inner vibrations by your own act.

"For Christ within means understanding, means that perfect sympathy, which can say to those tortured by physical pain, to those haunted by grief, or by regrets for what has been: 'I understand'. How then can Christ be within? He who understands all things, He who not only helps and succours in time of need but, as I have told you before, with each and everyone of His creation - whether it be the fowl of the air or the beast which prowls the plain - three parts of the suffering borne by all is the Christ burden, is God's part in the Life He has created...

"Oh, my children, when I speak thus to you, so the mind of the body whips you with remorse, so the spirit is freed and cries: 'I will hold my burdens!' - for in them it sees the great purpose of God.

"My children, I have much to teach you concerning those things which so fascinate the mind of the body, but I am concerned now to impart these subtle truths, which, because they are so antagonistic to the earth view, and are so reluctantly taken on by the mind of the body, escape description in words. Yet, I go on, seeking ever to tear aside the veil which hangs between you and true wisdom; for when you come here - into God's Land of Light - so these things must be learnt, so your sense of values must be changed, so the greatest miracle of all must be wrought, and with pain.

"I am your friend, your defender; yet, what is it that I defend you from? The lesser self - from the self which longs for rest, for happiness, for freedom from tests. And why must I defend you from this? Because, in the by and by, when spiritual sight is yours, when you see the working of the pattern, the bringing about of perfection in all states of creation - so you will turn to me and call me 'false friend' - if now I stand between you and that great and mighty gain...

"Suffering - yes, suffering literally provides the bridge into that inner wisdom which is centred round God Himself. The children of the world, they prefer the level plain, they stoop and cull the flowers of the earth, yet as they pluck them so these die. What am I holding out to you, little children of the Light? - you who are as the nerves of my heart: I am holding out to you the greatest gift of all - that consciousness, that at-one-ment with the Christ, for in your tiny degree suffering was your portion, sorrow kept step with you along the brief earth way...

"And then, dear children, realising that in the minds of some I have caused misgiving over the future, over what lies in front, I take you back to the promises of God, and I tell you that inasmuch as you have sought to shoulder your burdens and to still hold close to God, so the Father is going to demonstrate in the instruments He has used, that there is a happiness greater, deeper, which is of the Spirit; and once that is your own possession, though the things of the world, in their multitude, may be thrown at your feet - so the real you, with its eyes fixed on Love Itself, will wave them aside; for you - that which is your vital self - has seen God... 'Blessed are the pure of heart for they shall see their God'...

"And the promises made in the long ago hold good today. Ah, remember that - remember that sorrow is but the door to joy, that pain is but the gate to revelation... Then open the gate and step inside, and the brightness and the beauty of what lies in front shall blot out for ever even the remembrance of the winding path up from the valley through the woods of despair, with only faith, only faith to guide the way.

"My children, how can I express in the language of your little world, those 'good things' which God has provided for those who love Him? Yet think you like this: That though the body binds, though the eyes are holden, yet, still bound, you can be free; still chained - as it seems to you - by that which is physical, you can soar, and as on eagle wings penetrate into that of which one glimpse will compensate. Compensate. Aye, will obliterate all that which has gone before.

"But these things of the Spirit cannot be bargained for, cannot be bought and sold. The lowly heart, patience, and work, are the tools alone which can give you your spirit's desire.

"Yet, be not sad as I speak because the road seems long and you are weak and weary, even as you pursue the way. Can you not imagine that there is a strength, that there is a sweetness, which is waiting to invigorate you as the corner is turned? Once you have contacted with Spirit as Spirit, so weariness will fall from you, and so strength will enable you, not only to forge forward yourself, but to bring others along - to call them and not call in vain, to lift them, to inspire them, and, even in the act, so the strength, passing through them, shall go on its way calling again to others and linking them up; and each link means that much nearer to 'God's will on earth being done' in His way...

"Oh, my children, prepare you for the great tomorrow which is bright and glorious indeed; prepare your hearts and minds so that you may catch the sweet music of the Spirit, so that your tears may be dried for evermore... God's promises - they not only lie in the future but even now are being worked out, for God has said: 'Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted'.

"And in knowledge of Him, grief - ah, that grief which seems as of the soul itself - grief is no more because the peace - which is consciousness of His Love - is within, and once it is there no room is found for that which is of the world, that which is but a misrepresentation of the real. For ever as you progress, so joy is laid as a garment round you - the joy which is of God and the joy which Christ expresses in bearing the sufferings of others...

"This thought I leave with you ere I go: That although man may torture his God, yet, because He is God and Father too, so the Creator, the Lord God of all, holds that as a privilege, as His joy; for as man progresses, God sees - in the far by and by - that freedom from self, that completion, that perfection, that harmony with Himself...

"So, dear children, this must be grasped by all: Suffering - because it is of God in the sense that God suffers for us - in itself is the crown of all; for while we suffer so we are linked to Him, and as we are linked to Him so the next thread in the pattern is worked in...

"And then to the stranger present (Mr. Beddow, Editor 'Spiritual Truth') I would speak but a few words, yet it was by God's intent that the reluctance of my children was put aside and he was gathered in...

"I speak thus, and it is in the nature of a warning: Friend, brother, you who have done so much as the earth grades it, think you like this:

"Long ere that body was donned, you had chosen a road which would lead not to happiness as the world counts it, but to that happiness which is of experience. And yet, I recall to your mind that in spite of those experiences - aye, and that which has caused deep pain - a measure of true happiness has been your own...

"There is this test in front and it must come: How much are you prepared to lay aside for the Master's sake, how much, how much?... And, gifted with inward vision of things that shall come to pass, I can say that your will will be laid aside, and not only will the steep hill be chosen, but those things which shall build in for ever the imperishable things of the Spirit...

"A test lies in front, but faith has moved mountains in the way of obstacles created by those of the earth; so I say: Have faith and again have faith. And to your brother workers, bear ever this attitude of mind - that in the measure that God is in their lives, so they suffer by straying from the hard path, and out of your store of compassion, send them of that compassion, because as this goes forth so the All-Compassionate shall ease your heart of pain and fill it with a joy no words can tell...

"The test - it lies in front. It bears two aspects: The physical and the spiritual. Yet, the mind of the body, conscious of its God, will put aside the crutches of physical life, and go forward daunted by nothing...

"And remember this: That at the turn of the road, the strength of the spirit shall not only be met, but shall be made your own, for Christ has spoken...

"Tomorrow - ah, yes - tomorrow. Little today passes away, and tomorrow is glorious with the dawn of new hope, new life, new understanding, and because that dawn has been born only by the suffering of those who wish to serve their Master, so that dawn shall lead on to full day, but never to night again - for God's Face will be seen by man, and the cleansing will go on apace...

"I speak not of the physical things which surround your lives. God has overlooked each one, but the injunction is to be courageous, to be certain that the steepest way is the shortest way to the Throne of God - to the joy and the peace which cannot fade, because it has been paid for by the mind of the body, and henceforth is the spirit's possession...

"And now I go - but, dear children, I ask you to hold fast to these conditions of holiness because there is one who would speak out of the far past. He is an old servant, a faithful servant of the Master, and he will bring with him that which is his own, in the sense that what he has sown that he has reaped, and holiness now is his being in every sense there could be... Prepare the way, for the one who comes is brother to you all and a comrade in the same fight..."

(Others then spoke...)

(St. Paul)

"...Sisters and brothers in Christ - and I speak to all - it is one who has worked amongst the children of earth these many ages, yet I am constrained to divulge my name lest the welcome may not greet me for which I crave so much... It is that same Paul of Tarsus, an enemy of the One true God, and yet, by the grace of God, used by Him and forgiven by Him as well.

"To those who are present tonight, and I speak to many, let me reveal that which is within my heart. As I stand once more in a body of flesh, so it seems that time, as time, has slipped away, and I am conscious of experiences which, as it were, overwhelm me like the wave of a mighty ocean...

"Yet, it is of simple things that I would speak. It is as this: That we appear, once the body is laid aside, as the simple pitchers taken to the well, first cleansed and then filled with the waters of Life... And so I look back on the past, on those seemingly anxious days, and, to my sorrow, I see that the pitcher I represented was of clay itself...

"The long road, and then the vision of the One whom I had persecuted for God's sake! In the lives of all, this experience is repeated while in the body or when free from the body. And what does my life teach those who have followed after? As I see things now - so strangely fresh and yet conditions so strangely altered - I find that my life represents a failure, a failure which it is impossible to describe so that you may understand. And yet why did God bless me so?... This question finds no answer but His Love.

"Sisters in Christ, when next you think of Paul remember this: That the pitcher of clay was taken to the well again and again, yet it was still of clay, still of the earth; and while the real self within prayed for patience, prayed that I - the physical - might not fail, so, although the pitcher was still of clay, the waters of everlasting Life poured from it, but only and solely by the grace of God.

"I find, in looking back, nothing which brings me satisfaction, nothing which does not represent failure - failure to the greater self. And while those on earth, in reading that which I sought to teach, have gained strength - aye, and have been purified - yet the pitcher which poured forth new Life to others remained as clay itself...

"I spoke like a fool, yet now I am wise; I followed, yet in those days it was but a misrepresentation of Love which held me to the hard path of experience... But I must make this clear lest damage may be done: Christ, our God, the Lord Creator of all, unblinded my eyes and showed me something of Himself; and that something filled my heart and soul with adoration, and commenced the purification which must take place ere I could be used. But when I was free and when I looked at Love, fear struck me and I had not a word to say - that fear which could find no expression except in: 'Forgive, forgive, forgive!'...

"Oh, comrades, take warning, for even as I suffered, so you must suffer in the measure that you know not Christ, in the measure that Love is hidden from you. Christ - the inexpressible. Christ - that which no imagination can conjure up. Christ had not only led me but had fought for me, had borne the pains of the mind, of the body... (words missed)... and has never left me since...

"Can you not grasp that I must speak thus, because having received in that abundance of His good gifts, so my unworthiness stands out for all to see...

"Oh, indeed there is joy in Heaven, but before you can partake of that joy, so the shame must be swept away, so the agony of remorse, so that distance which impurity makes must be bridged. Yet, I would not give a wrong impression, for Christ completed His perfect gift by enrobing me in the garment of His Love, and though the consciousness of that time comes back in conditions which are physical, by the blessing of His mercy I have been able to forget, and, in a measure, to forgive myself...

"The pitchers stand by the well; some are full with the dust of the earth, and others so heavy that they cannot be raised - they are chained to the soil on which they stand. Yet the pitchers are there for use, and the clay must be refined and refined again; and as that refining process continues, so within the bulb the space increases and in the degree that there is room, so the waters of the Spirit, of everlasting Life, are housed therein...

"Pitchers of clay even are we, but the Master uses that which is of the earth to express Himself.

"Oh, think you like this, and again I say think you like this: When the eyes are freed, when the spirit steps into its appointed liberty, so it will seem to you even as it seemed to me - clay to the very last, clay to the very last.

"Sweet sisters, I am constrained to speak to you in these terms, for suffering is a portion of your life, yet in looking back, your minds answer me: 'Yes, but as a fragment compared to your own!'... My suffering was the suffering of one who understood, and yet not understood. Christ revealed, but the mind of the body bound. Christ gave vision, but that which had been inherited from the thought of the world in which I lived - all this held me prisoner when the wide open country of the Spirit lay free before me...

"It pains you that I speak thus, and you compare and compare; but I stand free now, and self-revelation is mine in its full intensity with the protection cast aside. And the only words I have to give forth tonight are these: By my failures, learn to do better yourselves; by my misunderstandings, take warning and cross the threshold of that wisdom of the Spirit which is gifted to you; by all that which I meant to teach and failed to convey, set your own ship in the true direction... ask of God and receive. By those years of exile - exiled in spirit, out of my blindness and the ignorance of youth, take warning, and hold close to Christ, for the tempest howls without...

"It is in these tones I must speak - contrary to your minds, contrary to the mind of the instrument I use; but I have seen God - aye, that has been revealed to me in the measure that I could bear, I have seen God, and I am ashamed, I am ashamed...

"There are many on the earth plane that I companion. Space and time exist not to the humble servants of Christ. To all those who love my memory, to those who read within my words guidance and direction, to these I speak, because I understand now what Wisdom can represent. I implore them to forget the man Paul, and to treasure only that which the spirit hoped to be; I entreat them in pursuing the channel of those thoughts which I sought to express, to say: 'There is the man, but here is God'. Only by so stretching out for the Truth with the mind of the body, so only can they comfort the writer, can they lend him aid in his progression...

"Satisfaction I have none. Fool that I was, seeing and yet blind; hearing, yet that same hearing drowned by the roar of the world; martyred, aye, martyred to self... That is God's truth...

"In the measure that we love our Father, so the contrast comes, so we see what might have been done... Yet, as I speak thus, once more the cloak of His Love is thrown around me, and in my heart and mind joy and adoration fill all space; and on the ground before me the memories of the past are crumbling up, never to be recalled again... (unable to continue)... God has answered:

" - 'Forgiveness is of man alone; where Love is, forgiveness ceases to exist'... Before Love we are as nothing, yet because He is Love, so He raises us up as His sons and His daughters - as His companions for ever and for ever...

"Forget and forgive - that is what we have to learn to do, but the forgiveness and the forgetfulness concerns only that self which we cannot explain...

"Comrades, I have naught to say, yet I have everything to say. To protect you I came tonight - to protect you from that which I experienced myself; and this is Love, this is Love... The Spirit of God is upon you all, striking off the chains which fetter you to those things which must pass away.

"And the Spirit of God has opened the way to me, and, in time to come, so the future stretches out with its opportunities to be used, if the willingness is here (trance medium?). In that far future, I see that once more I shall speak to my children, and once more they will listen to my voice as in the days of old. Yet, shrink not from what this portrays to the mind of the body - the protection is complete, and those who have read the words of Paul, shall be gathered in and listen to him in very truth, for God has opened this channel to me which will never be closed again...

"The blessing lies all around, and Christ, in blessing you, blesses me, and in blessing me, blesses you again.

"Farewell - yet but for a little while; again we meet and we work through to those things which are of God, which will purify the pitchers for His use, for the waters of Life are overflowing and these vessels are necessary to cleanse the world... Farewell..."

(Zodiac has returned...)

"...Well, my children, this quiet time together has done its work. 'God's will has been done on earth' as it is in Heaven, and I want you, as you go forth once more into the world, to detach yourselves from the world, and to hold fast to the one thing which matters - and that is Christ.

"Children, the time of sowing and of tending may be long, but if the harvest is great, and if it feeds the hungry multitude, then the remembrance of the labour is forgotten in the joy which follows...

"Think you like this: That in the field which represents your life, you labour, and, directed by the Master, so you prepare the ground, and so you instil within it the seeds of good thoughts; the ground is your own, yet it is God's... And when you have done your best, when you have produced that harvest, so the Owner, the real Owner, claims His own...

"Yes, again is the parable of the loaves and fishes demonstrated for your advantage. That which you have sown may be fair, but God, the Giver of all things, passes over that harvest His Hand, and even as you wait so the transformation takes place. And as the reaping time comes, so the good wheat springs up again, for this is a law of the Spirit, this is God's gift to man...

"A little while you labour - a great while you gather in; a little while you sorrow - for ever you joy in Him.

"And so I leave you with His Presence in your midst, with His sweet Presence among you, not as a condescension but as your right, for the Father has said that where His children are there does He gather; and where the instrument is prepared, so He puts it to use, not only for His own sake and for your sake, but for the sake of the generations which are to come...

"Keep that thought in mind: That even these little evenings are building landing-stages for those who follow after - landing-stages where no firm foothold was to be found before, and the country which lies beyond is Revelation...

"God bless you and keep you and protect you from yourselves...

"And as we pray, so the Father answers; as we strive, so the Father bestows; as we climb, so that which is Love Itself draws us to His side, for He is God and Love combined... Goodnight, my little ones."

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Download nine printable PDF books of Zodiac Messages containing unaltered
chronologically-ordered scripts from the Zodiac Circle before the first public appearance
(New Revelation, 1923-1928)

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Download an executable file of every Zodiac Message on this website to read on a computer
(ranging from 1923-1957)

The Zodiac Messages © 1965 - 2024 incl.
The Greater World Association.

All rights are reserved and may not be used or reproduced, neither in whole nor in part thereof, in or on any form of media, including the Internet. The providing of direct hyperlinks to Greater World website copyright material is welcomed, thereby fulfilling any intended aspirations for anyone concerned whilst maintaining the integrity of the well-intentioned, deeply-considered and long-standing ideals of the Greater World.

The Greater World has sole copyright for the Zodiac Messages and came into existence as the Greater World Christian Spiritualist League in 1931 (U.K. Registered Charity No. 212369). The Greater World was originally established purely because of the Zodiac Messages and their introduction into earthly life by the Christ Messenger Zodiac and the further revelations of the Christ Mission expounded therein. The inception of the Greater World was for the preservation, as received, of the Zodiac Messages and the prudent dissemination of the spiritual philosophy, consequently perpetuating the incorruptibility, distinctiveness and uniqueness of the Zodiac Messages and the teachings contained therein.

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