Name: |
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Buckner, MO U.S. |
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021 |  |  | Sunday November 30, 2003 - 07:40 | I read the article on suicide, and it comforted me greatly. My daughter committed suicide, deep down I know she’s O.K. but it’s so hard to accept the loss of a child. I just wanted to let you know that reading the article helped me to understand the bigger picture. Thank you.
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Brighton and hove, England |
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020 |  |  | Tuesday November 11, 2003 - 03:16 | A very helpful visit leaving me feeling I'd like to know more.
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wakefield, west yorkshire united kingdom |
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019 |  |  | Tuesday October 7, 2003 - 17:44 | Having read the zodiac messages for myself in the excellent books you publish I thought it rather nice to receive your emails, I know what work you do. God Bless you and keep you - Revd. Paul Barker Minst.
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Tenterfield, New South Wales Australia |
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018 |  |  | Wednesday September 24, 2003 - 12:36 | I was brought to this site by my guardian angel spirits. Zodiac's message on auras confirms that which they have been teaching me. Blessed be Spirit and His Holy One.
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Rockmart, Ga USA |
Comment: |
017 |  |  | Tuesday September 23, 2003 - 18:11 | I enjoy reading the articles you have on the site. I have a son in spirit. He passed May 24,2002, I miss and love him very much. Thanks for the information.
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Liverpool, England |
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016 |  |  | Saturday September 20, 2003 - 15:11 | I had heard about a church in Guernsey and it was great to see your site as I had been told there wasn't a spiritualist church in Jersey.
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Berkshire, Hungerford Berkshire |
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015 |  |  | Wednesday September 17, 2003 - 16:37 | I would like to thank people emailing me. It is a hard task to search for genuine people like myself, who are close to spirit. I travel into another place, and aware of being in two places at once. The meaning of it, I just don't know. I have flown down from a great height to a woman. I am so aware of spirit, but not aware why these things happen to me. I hear voices from spirit, only outside my right ear. I am not able to respond, as when I do, it has gone. How can I not believe in spirit now? But I do know one thing. Everything has a reason, and in time I hope I can find the purpose for it all. I believe that I am meant to experience these sensations. If it was a gift, then I believe it to be from heaven.
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Rural Mission Field, Thailand |
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014 |  |  | Wednesday September 17, 2003 - 06:54 | I am a rational man who has always understood God, or so I thought. Amazing events that have occured in my life over the past 4 years have caused me to sit up and think again. To write of them here would prove meaningless. I will only say that I am a Christian minister serving in the field in Thailand and have been in this area for 30 years. What happened here simply terrified my ethnic staff. But not me. I sought to explain them. But only in spiritual terms can they begin to make sense. I have now learnt to think of myself as a being composed of 3 parts. Body, mind and soul. It is the body and the mind that contol the lives of most people. Only when they seek deeper into their souls will they find God. Seek and ye shall find. Forget about knowing "of" God in your mind. Strive to know Him in your souls. Don't listen to the words and teachings of men, listen to the Words of God. They are not to be found in a church or a mosque. They are to be found deep within your soul. If He knows you are sincere, He will send the Great Counsellor to you in the form of the Holy Spirit. This, by His almighty mercy and grace He has done for me. Always walk the narrow path and seek the narrow gate. May God show you the way.