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Location:  Jersey CI
012  Friday August 29, 2003 - 08:46   
I am bookmarking your very comprehensive site as it is most informative.
I seek, with an open mind, enlightenment and a pathway forwards.
It is good to know that you are here ~ literally!
 Gloria Joyce          
Location:  Summerville, Canada
011  Friday August 22, 2003 - 13:49   
I've often wanted to tell someone about my spiritual experience, but it's not a NDE ,but rather what many would class a religious experience. My husband was sleeping by my side, I was at a crises time in my life, like many questioning why was I on earth. I sincerely wanted to get closer to God, I needed his help, and feeling alone & unloved I desperately needed his divine unconditional love. I felt like my spirit was dying, & if God didn't come to my rescue, well I would die inside. A divine being did visit me, talked to me, the communication was telepathic yet clear between the heavenly being & my inner spirit. Wow! I was totally amazed, my spirit had its own voice, it was clear yet not verbal. I want to call this spiritual being an Angel and just like in the Bible the Angel touched my mouth with a piece of coal -it actually clicked on my teeth. I was awake during this experience by the way, but laying flat on my bed on my back face up unable to move anything but my eyes,kinda frozen in time. I saw only the bottom of his long greyish brown robe, with various size of blue circular stripes around its bottom. I saw feet & sandals just like they wore in biblical times. This happened when I was 43. I'm now 52. My life took a major turn for the good. I have been a cheer leader for the Lord Jesus to the best of my ability, & always will. I feel my purpose is to simply spread love, compassion, patience, assistance to as many as God puts in my path. The Spiritual message to me was a simple one, I was already forgiven of all sin, as soon as I repented and to give to everyone & everything unconditional love like God gives to all His creation. Please place this event in it's proper category. My e-mail is, if anyone want to talk or reach me. it's time I shared my experience to edify or strengthen others faith.
God Bless us all.
 Chris Neethling          
Location:  Jophannesburg, Guateng South Africa
010  Saturday July 12, 2003 - 11:00   
I have been a Spiritualist for over 21 years now , and do healing and also trance work .
My girlfriend comes from Jersey and we plan to come to the island in the very near future .
Her brother is a state senator .
All e-mails will be answered .
love and peace to you all .
 Angela Grace          
Location:  Hungerford, West Berkshire England
009  Tuesday July 1, 2003 - 16:03   
I feel and see spirit, I do not work, or even read books on these experiences.
I am on a quest for answers to know what I can become and achieve what I am supposed to.
I have spoken to many people alike. I don't know what path to take, but I have often amazed myself with knowing things, and hearing spirits.
I am seeking truth and understanding. Too many things I have experienced has proven to me that there is the existence of the spiritual plane. I want to understand and expect to develop.
Most of all, to keep God in my heart and be safe. I have found that it is down to me to guard myself, and I will bring light, and only be in the light.
There are not many people who understand, and I don't even understand, I am not ashamed of this. In fact I am proud of it.
I believe in God, and he must believe in me for this gift I have.
Location:  Bradford, England
008  Thursday April 10, 2003 - 07:53   
In my youth I was very much involved in spiritualism and was gifted. I then became involved with a certain religious group who made me feel like a satanist. I couldnt live up to their ideals and have spent years thinking God would destroy me so what was the point of my life. I recently became interested in spiritualism again and have felt spirit while at a meeting. I feel much happier now, as if I am back where I belong. Its good to find sites such as this to help me on my way. Loving thoughts to all and thankyou for this site. kathy.
 Nick ONeill          
Location:  Manchester, England
007  Sunday April 6, 2003 - 11:35   
Thank you for making this information available. I have long had an interest in Spiritualism but struggled to integrate it with my christian beliefs. This has been an eye opener to me.
Yours gratefully
Location:  CORNWALL UK
006  Wednesday March 5, 2003 - 11:14   
After a three year break away from the movement, I was delighted to find your site.The Zodiac messages have always provided me with hope, inspiration and love and now thanks to you I can have access to further readings. Thank you so much.
 John Turner          
Location:  Telford, Shropshire UK
005  Friday February 28, 2003 - 16:00   
I have been a Spiritualist for some time, but in recent months I have been drawn ever closer to Christian Spiritualism and away from the SNU. I find your site very enlightening and helpful, and it is to be applauded. The information is superb and the links to the GWCSA are an excellent resource.
Many thanks!

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