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Location:  Hobart, Tas
116  Thursday April 10, 2008 - 03:50   
Dear Sir/Madam
I found your website very interesting.
 Lesley Hall (Mrs)          
Location:  France
115  Monday April 7, 2008 - 09:30   
Thank you again for these wonderful pages from Winifred Moyes meeting with Zodiac. They help me to lift myself when things seem too much for me to handle. They also give me words to use when others ask me for advice. Thank you. May God Bless us all xxx
Location:  Auckland, North Island New Zealand
114  Wednesday March 12, 2008 - 09:29   
How I look forward to this site knowing I am being taught by the holy spirit thank you thank you thank you so much for keeping it open...thank you abba father (GOD) for the master (our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ) who made it possible for us promised in the holy book. Sadly most main stream religions do differ and do not acknowledge this belief. The spirit of truth the mentioned many times through out the bible. can you please tell me if I can purchase these books in NZ.The holy spirit guided me to friends who hold weekly circles I was given the Zodiac messages to read on loan I have not been able to buy any books here. God bless you all. Charl
 Bradley A. Mathews          
Location:  Easton, Pa U.S.A
113  Tuesday December 18, 2007 - 02:33   
Dear Brothers in Christ, I've been researching Universal Restoration for the past year and find it very interesting.
After being part of a very Judgemental Denomination (Jehovahs Witnesses) and their extreme legalism and dogmatism, this subject is very refreshing.
Especially saw the validity in the article by Rev. John Wesley Hanson on the greek word Aion and how it originally had the meaning age-lasting or time indefinite in all its New Testament uses was an eye opener, downloaded a copy of this article.
Also recently discovered that their are two greek words for our english word "all" and the one used for all made alive in Christ means everybody in contrast with the other greek word for "all" which is limited to all sorts. In the second century all the main churches taught Universal Salvation except two. May the Love of God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ be with all of you. Brad Mathews.
 Richard Katkowski          
Location:  Leeds, England
112  Saturday December 8, 2007 - 22:38   
I was drawn to this site which has been a wonderful and informative experience. I have floated through life with no real destiny untile 6 months ago I was shown my true path and I thank God and all those at the Leeds Sanctury for showing me the way of Love and Light, Bless You All.
 David J Golden          
Location:  Littleborough, Lancashire England
111  Friday September 28, 2007 - 21:09   
This is a wonderful website which is informative and relaxing to read. Keep up the great work, God's will is your will, God is in you at all time, we have to look in our inner self to progress. The world is our universe of learning.
 Maxine Kilbride          
Location:  Leeds, UK
110  Friday September 21, 2007 - 08:57   
I have lost 4 very close members of family over the last 8 weeks and have been desperatly seeking information on meduimship and spiritulists as I feel I need to know my loved ones are indeed still with me. If you feel you could help me and my family please please contact me via the email address provided many many thanks.
 Paul Barker phd          
Location:  Wakefield, United Kingdom
109  Monday August 13, 2007 - 09:24   
Your site is very good, as a speaker and medium who conducts services at the church in Leeds it is good to read your site, it will, I am sure bring comfort to many who seek the path of the Christ and the blessing it will bring into the lives of people from all over the world, so thank you for the site and may God bless you.

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